Nero Micro Edition Build

Nero Burning Rom is a great burning suite capable of burning almost anything that you throw at it. The major problem that I had with Nero in the past was that I felt it was to huge and contained to many modules and features that I never used. Only a handful of users surely use included applications like the Nero Waveform Editor, Nero Sipps which offers Voip functionality or Nero Search which is a desktop search application.
A full Nero 8 installation has a size of more than 500 Megabytes on your hard drive, way to much for a software that is needed for just one task: burn media.
Nero Micro is ripped versions of Nero that offer a basic functionality only reducing the size of the application tremendously. Nero Micro only contains:
* Nero Burning ROM (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
* Nero Express
Nero Micro on the other hand is a basic version of Nero Burning Rom with basic Audio / VideoCD support. Everything else that is included normally when installing Nero has been removed by the author.
A full Nero 8 installation has a size of more than 500 Megabytes on your hard drive, way to much for a software that is needed for just one task: burn media.
Nero Micro is ripped versions of Nero that offer a basic functionality only reducing the size of the application tremendously. Nero Micro only contains:
* Nero Burning ROM (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
* Nero Express
Nero Micro on the other hand is a basic version of Nero Burning Rom with basic Audio / VideoCD support. Everything else that is included normally when installing Nero has been removed by the author.